In the action description for this page I wrote: "shlunk dude gets strait stabbed."
Just wanted to let you all know what has been/is going on. Right now I am in the process of trying to get Newman published. I am currently looking at some creator owned comic book publishers and finishing up submission packets/touching up the older pages/fixing grammar, all that jazz. I do not intend on taking the comic offline if I get picked up, though I can't honestly tell you any details on that until such a time as I had a contract. Now this all may or may not happen, but I'm taking a shot at it.
I'm at a point right now where I've got to start making more money, and that means either trying to pick up a better full time job (which is tough right now, as I'm sure you all know) or find a second job. If the comic get's picked up that will make a big difference, otherwise I've got to find more work.
I'm well aware that I can generate profit from a webcomic business model, but I'm a ways away from being able to make any real money off the comic online. So while I'm trying to work out my life, I'm cutting the comic back to Monday/Wednesday/Friday.
I love this story and these characters, and I am most definitely not stopping the comic, but something has to give. Until I can start making money from the comic, I've got to cut back a little bit.
I know it sucks, but it's just to much to handle along with a 5 day a week update schedule. So we will see what happens. In the mean time, I'll still be updating here every M/W/F. Thanks for your understanding everyone.